2020: A Not So Fond Farewell

Wow, what a year. Yea I know I’m just saying what we’re all thinking. It truly changed everyone’s lives and for that reason I’ve got to address it. When we all started hearing whispers about COVID19 I don’t think realistically most anticipated the effect it would have. From going through a quarantine lockdown with everyone stuck at home, to adjusting to mask wearing when out in public, to people who were able to keep their jobs realizing how easily (or not) they could work from home. Celebrate your resilience this year. It’s been a weird one. 

Most years people look ahead and see possibilities of what it can hold/bring and this year feels a little different. Yes we have a vaccine and a tentative date on the horizon. There are still a lot of unknowns in the meantime. We want to encourage you to focus on the small things you can control about your life. If you’re stuck at home more than you’d like, figure out a new routine that brings you happiness. 

Some Fun News/Updates

For me, one thing was us getting a puppy. We’ve long talked about getting a dog and held off because the way our lives were set up. Working at least a 9 hour day followed by hitting the gym for an hour or two isn’t the ideal scenario to have a dog pining away for you at home. With the changes this year forcing us to slow down, everything aligned and we brought our puppy, Francis “Frankie” home. Plus she has the best aunt in Caitlin!

Having a dog or something to take care of is a way to focus outside of yourself. It’s easiest for me to get stuck inside my head and the cycle of thoughts all about me, me, me. I’m not saying you need a pet/dog to find a purpose, but they sure do provide a lot of distraction whether it be training, accidents, chewing, or laughing while they play. 

In other news to just drop in the middle of the post, I’m excited to announce that I’m expecting a baby boy, due in May 2021! Why not pack all the excitement in at once, am I right?!

Looking Ahead to 2021

Maybe this is the year you try out being a plant mom. You’ve been enjoying all the greenery people are injecting their homes with. It is a smaller but still fun way to bring something new. It won’t cost a ton but could potentially bring you joy!

A lot of people went through their homes already. But if your clutter is suffocating you, take some time off buying new things. Only until you can go through and organize what you do have. Especially after Christmas, we tend to come home and realize how much stuff we have and don’t use. In the meantime you can start a note or an excel spreadsheet on updates/things you might actually need instead of want. Then when you’re ready you might have enough in your budget to replace items you’ve been overlooking or getting by with. 

Lastly, since this blog is all things tall, you could take an inventory of your closet. What did you buy that you shouldn’t have because it doesn’t actually fit you. What tall small business can you check out this year to support instead. Maybe it means spending a few more dollars. In the long run, we can guarantee from personal experience that you will have those pieces left in your closet after a purge more than some clearance mainline sweater you thought you had to have and shrunk after one wash.

2020 Post Highlights

Some of our favorite pieces from this year are linked posts below. Check them out for a trip down memory lane of 2020 (the year you’re not sure you want to relive).

January: This Boilersuit and this mini skirt were two favorites for the year

February: This perfect sweat jumpsuit from Prissy Duck and these jumpsuits from Alloy Apparel!

March: Loving the coordinating black and white looks and twinning in some red power suits.

April: Trying out some Tall & Isi pieces and some Mustard coordinating lewks!

May: Glorious tall maxi dresses, the best tall leggings EVER, & witty tall graphic tshirts you need to add to your closet.

June: Saying temporarily goodbye to LTS in linen, then carrying it over into some great tall linen shorts, and your directory of tall black owned businesses to support!

July: Some incredible tall one piece swimsuits, and the ideal faux leather leggings you need ASAP, as well as some reversible workwear for when you’re back in office!

August: An opinion piece on what NOT to say to tall women (or at least us), a new tall boutique with great basics, and some larger sized comfortable slip on sneakers.

September: A new company that gives you the inseam you need. Plus a company that will custom make your clothing

October: Statement pants with the length and quality you need!

November: Tall Tracksuits/Sweatsuits you won’t regret upgrading to and a high quality large sized shoe business you need to check out!

December: Another new large sized shoe company and some updated tall denim options from one of our favorite tall small businesses.

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