
You Won’t Get the Cold Shoulder From Us

Each day I look at my Timehop app, as well as Facebook memories. I enjoy reminiscing about, well, pretty much anything. I am a pretty sentimental person. So any opportunity i get to walk down memory lane is a win in my eyes. This week as I was looking through my memories, I saw the post Jenilee and I first shared to our family and friends announcing our blog. We waited a few months before we announced to our friends via social media. Not for any particular reason. Once we fell into our natural roles and got into a groove, it felt like a nice natural time to announce.

That was a big step for both of us. In general it’s hard to put yourself out there. In my opinion, even harder to do so in front of people you already know. Starting a blog is obviously a shift from what you may post on your normal social media pages, so people tend to judge easily. However, the responses we have gotten from all of our family and friends, has been nothing but supportive. I think they can genuinely tell we started this blog for the right reasons; which is primarily to help our tall fam! Everyone can even be supportive to a fault, where they tip toe around “well I didn’t love that outfit” “That look wasn’t my favorite”, but you know what, that’s fine.

Sometimes Jenile and I don’t even like what each other want to post, but that’s the fun part about sharing this page. We both have incredible similar yet vastly different styles. Hopefully between the two of us, we have all of you covered. We are so lucky with this aspect since it doubles our creativity, style, and personality. Hopefully it helps even more people relate to us. The whole reason I wrote all of that though, was to reflect on how cool it is how many DM’s (Direct Messages) we have gotten with comments, requests, funny stories and/or questions. It has blown our mind. We feel so connected to our readers now more than ever. It just makes it easier than ever to keep on writing. We want to hear from you, if we haven’t made that clear before!

So should we dive into the similarities of our styles a bit? Hint: the matching inverse outfits we wore to dinner. Sometimes Jenilee and I can just be too extra for our own good. We couldn’t love it more. I ordered both of these shirts for myself, because I thought they would be solid night out options and are like nothing else I own currently. Once I got them in, I was thrilled with the fit. Both of them fit perfectly. The black one is a bodysuit, and even had room to spare on Jenilee’s 6’4 torso. Talk about a big win! However, our normal size was a little loose on her chest where it fit mine well. So take that into consideration if you snag this one.

Anyways, after I ordered these I saw that we had a dinner party coming up. The opportunity presented itself to message Jenilee, “we’re going to wear the inverse of each other to dinner and twin so hard.” There was no convincing involved, I passed the black shirt off to her at the gym, and we owned the heck out of our matching attire.

I  tossed on my basic black Gap jeans and the heels I can’t stop talking about. The purse is my current go-to outfit completer, and I was on my way. One thing I have to add. I sent Jenilee a text after I put on my outfit. It said, “I just feel like the best version of me in this outfit.” It is just the best feeling? When you’re not tugging on tops, pulling up pants, or just feeling uncomfortable? I would chalk this entire outfit up to a tall win. I’ve linked the snakeskin peplum top here, because it isn’t available to link in the widget below. I explain why if you keep reading!

Jenilee wore some older Asos Ridley Jeans, a fun pair of tassel earrings, and her snakeskin flats from Long Tall Sally to complete the true inverse effect. I will note that my feet are a little wider than hers and I ordered and returned these flats because they weren’t quite the right fit on me. But she looks like a rockstar in them!

We both also arrived with our leather jackets to start. We both have a few different versions of leather jackets at this point and they are a true staple in our closets all year round. I am going to link a few below in case you are in the market for a real or faux leather jacket. And now this post is going to take a weird turn and I am going to share something with y’all that I might later regret. Here we go!

We have discovered a mind blowing ASOS trick. While Jenilee was in NOLA I was pretty bored at times and for some reason thought I should start browsing ASOS UK. Y’ALL. They are holding out on us majorly in the US. It was a whole new world in there. There were new items I had never seen, items available in all UK sizes that were sold out in the US months ago, and so much more. I was incessantly texting her about my discovery. First I was mad, then sent 3 links. Then I was happy, sent many more links. Followed closely by confusion and with placing an order to test it out. Then I ended back with being upset.

It was a lot of feelings and emotions to sort through. All in all, I think I am in a neutral place with it now. I have added checking the UK site into my daily ASOS browsing. My recent orders have been ordered through the UK because the options are just that much better. I just do a quick pound to dollar conversion, make sure I converted my size correctly and nothing else is different. So with all of that being said – if you use any of our links going forward and it says out of stock, etc. make sure you check the UK site too.

Just to revisit the sizing conversion, it is 2 sizes larger than your normal US size. So if we order a 10 in US then we’d buy a 14 UK. Also worth noting before you purchase through the UK site, is whether your credit card allows foreign transactions without a fee. Ours don’t, but I know a lot do!

Now I will be here questioning if it was a good idea to disclose my dirty secrets, for fear of all the clothing selling out. But you know we are about transparency over here. So there you go. Do you have any shopping tricks up your sleeves? Let us know with a comment below!

Outfit Details

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