
Overall, I’d Say This is a Pretty Solid Outfit

Happy Hump day! Is anyone else’s March flying by? I feel like over here, the days are moving slow but the weeks are moving fast. It could also be working multiple jobs, a busy social calendar and miscellaneous appointments. Jenilee and I have both been anxiously awaiting our hair cut tomorrow night. We always like to go together since she typically staggers someone else in between anyways. It’s always just a nice sister date. Especially since we never see each other (totally kidding for those not up to speed on my sarcasm level). Don’t expect too much out of the hair appointment, just a nice healthy trim and touch up.

Alright so by now you all know when I know I want something, I just know. The odds I pull the trigger when a sale drops are high. However, there is a new facet to this for me. I always want the things I can’t have with clothing. Luckily for us tall gals, the list of unobtainable items is getting smaller as the variety grows. But even with a quick brainstorm I can think of so many things that typically haven’t been long limb friendly; one piece swimsuits, denim shorts, mini dresses, skirts, jumpsuits, rompers and overalls. I could keep going but I think you get the point.

As the trends change I find myself yearning for these hot ticket items. I’m always struggling to find them in the right fit. I have tried to order overalls in so many different colors, sizes, lengths, brands and none were doing it for me. Last year I finally found a pair of overall shorts that nailed it! Lucky for you they are still shoppable here.

And then I went round and round trying to find a pair of long denim ones and something just kept being “off”. Personally I don’t think overalls should be skinny jean it or skin tight on the bottom. I think they should be a bit more relaxed in a girlfriend/boyfriend fit. So the game of ordering and returning continued until this year, when I hit the jackpot. Not only did I find these comfortable black ones I also found the perfect denim ones, that aren’t even tall size (gasp!). I’ll link them all below, but you will have to stay tuned for the blog post on those ones.

And to bring it full circle when I saw these I knew they were going to be mine if the fit was right and luckily for me they were. Now I had higher hopes for this post if I am being honest. I wanted to show you so many outfit options, different shoe combos, long sleeves, short, turtlenecks and more but it just wasn’t going to happen this day. Not only did we both freeze our fingers off in the process of grabbing these shots. We also had a parking lot creeper enjoying the shoot. We did get some satisfaction and shared belly laughs between us. I waved to the the gentlemen “discreetly” watching us from his car. With all of that being said, if anyone is looking for more inspiration here just let me know and I can do round two for you!

I was obsessed with the first combo of this outfit. I grabbed one of my go to basic long sleeves, my bibs, my new favorite booties and a drum roll please….a hat! I LOVE hats. However, it has taken me until this year to have enough confidence to actually try the trend out. Well, that and it can be hard to find hats that fit my noggin. I tried this one on at the mall a few weeks back with Jenilee. Somehow now we both own it. Since the colors of this outfit were primarily all dark, it seemed like the perfect outfit to throw on my hottest pink lipstick too!  And if I am being honest I felt like my best self in this outfit. It was comfortable and just the right amount of bold for me.

I recently mentioned to Jenilee I wanted to try out some new blog poses to mix it up a bit. Some of our other blogger friends nail poses where they are bending down, sitting, jumping or Tezza-ing their way through Instagram. I felt it was time to challenge myself a bit. What do you think?

I was able to squeak just one other outfit option in for y’all as a transitional piece. Just in case you are lucky enough to be experiencing Spring already. I tossed on an old H&M short sleeve, my trusty chucks and grabbed my jean jacket. This look is perfect if you are looking to be a bit more casual. Plus if you are looking to layer up for varying climates.

As we have mentioned in some of our recent Instagram posts we are trying to start showing you outfits on both of us. However, due to the unexpectedly frigid temps when we shot this it wasn’t in the cards. Is it helpful to see outfits on both of us so you can get a better idea on fit?

Outfit Details

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