Five Things About Us FriYAY!

Happy Friday! Today we wanted to try something new and a little bit different. We want all of you here to feel like you know us even if that means us showing the embarrassing bloopers and keeping it real with you. So let’s dive into five things about us Friday!

  1. We are both crazy plant ladies. We don’t say this lightly, between our two houses we probably have upwards of 60 plants. Our mom has always had a green thumb and growing up we hated that we had to move mulch, pull weeds, help take waste to the dump, etc. But if you saw her landscaping you would be in awe just like we are. Well cut to us having our own homes now and she certainly rubbed off on us. Jenilee has a wonderful veggie garden but took the summer off from planting flowers this year due to her crazy schedule and the time it takes to maintain. I don’t have my own yard yet as i rent a duplex but I make sure to keep as many flowers as our porch will allow. We are also extremely lucky to have a grandma with the same green thumb who will happily give us portions of her plants to grow on our own, how fun is that?!

Here’s a few low quality pictures of some of our favorites:

2. We have one brother, Jenilees twin! We haven’t really had a chance to dive into our family aside from our mom making a few appearances (more to come!) but we promise we love them all dearly. Our brother, Nick, also a part of the tall club standing at 6’8 lives in Chicago. The three of us are extremely close and share the same very weird, dry sense of humor. Sometimes one of us can say one thing and it is instantly set into a long running inside joke. Our closest friends usually pick up on our weird jokes and lingo and we love it!

 Meet Nick!

3. Ever since we were little we have gone up to the lake for a week each summer-and that’s where we are right now! Our grandma has lived in Northern Wisconsin our whole life and it is quite possibly the best place on earth. If you are ever offered the opportunity to visit a lake in Northern Wisconsin-take it! We spend our time up there reading as many books as possible, boating, swimming, biking, four wheeling, hammock laying, over indulging in food and spending as much time with family as possible! We venture into town a few times to stop by the old fashioned candy and ice cream shop, to browse the touristy stores and occasionally grab a coffee.

Here is our Heaven:

4. We both have a strong passion for donuts, specifically crullers. Actually our whole family shares this love. You will see many of our pictures including coffee/donuts and these are not just props. It’s just who we are! The love runs so far and deep in our family that we bring our grandma donuts by the dozen so she can freeze them and ration them off for herself when we aren’t up there. If you’re local and looking for a good cruller we recommend: Woodmans, Cranky Al’s, and Sentry. We have done many taste tests for you so you don’t have to waste time, don’t worry-it was our pleasure!

5. Jenilee and I (Nick too) all LOVE Florence and the Machine. Jenilee is the biggest fan and her love for her music runs deep. So deep that she went as her for Halloween one year! However, we were all pretty quick to join her and the two of us even went as far as trekking down to Bonnaroo specifically because she was playing. That experience sure was something-but that’s a story for another time. They are coming to Chicago in October and all three of us, Jenilee’s husband and a few other good friends will be in attendance. We have been joking about how mad the people behind as will be as the average height between the 9 of us is 6’2-sorry in advance to those standing behind us!

Here is Jenilee and her husband (the machine) in costume and a picture from when we saw her at Bonnaroo!

Anyways there are 5 completely random things about the two of us. So-does this type of post interest you, or should we stick to the fashion finds? We want to connect with all of you and we would love for you to feel like you know us and can relate. Let us know what you think below.

On a shopping related note, below is what is currently catching our eye! Check out ASOS for a good sale this weekend, hint hint!