Hi there!

Welcome to The Real Tall.

We are Jenilee and Caitlin, tall sisters from Wisconsin with a passion for fashion and finding clothing that not only fits us correctly, but that fits our budgets realistically as well.

We know how life is as tall women and we are here to be an encouragement to any of our tall sisters who might be in need. We plan to keep it real (hence the name) and authentic so you know we aren’t saying one thing and doing another.

Expect budget friendly finds, as well as total disclosure if something just doesn’t work! We want to bring you with us on this walk through life in the tall lane. We come from a tall family and hope to include some of them on the blog in the near future!


Standing at 6’4 I’ve been on the upper limit of many retailers who consider themselves providers of tall fashion options. While this can be frustrating to experience, there have certainly been many victories in finding “regular” sizing that works well on my frame. We will be sharing those options as well – sometimes it’s easiest to find an on trend style cheapest at non-tall retailers.

Yes, I did play basketball – more on that later!


As the 5’11 sister I’m often considered the “runt” of our family which is hilarious to outsiders. While it may not be extraordinarily tall, it is definitely tall enough to create issues when searching for fashionable, well fitting clothes.

Often we find that Jenilee will order something and it will end up working better for me, as a “small tall.” Her loss is my gain and we’re both just glad that one of us ended up with a great look!


We will first and foremost be sharing our fashion finds with you but you can also expect to see some of our other favorite things mixed in. —Fitness, Food, Travel, our favorite books, and any other finds we think are worth sharing.

Please leave us a message or comment on what you would love to see in our content, share your favorite tall stores with us, and/or share your stories. We would love if you’d recommend other blogs to us, and please share our blog with others, if you feel so inclined!

You can also find our instagram @therealtall for additional content!