
Tall Flare Jeans from Alloy Apparel

Three days of posting in a row, say what?! All of a sudden we find ourselves with lots of exciting stuff to share with you. Today we’re talking about a retailer who we haven’t mentioned on the blog yet! You might have heard of them if you’re around the same age as us, as a magazine retailer when you were growing up. Who are we talking about? Alloy Apparel of course! In one of the more exciting shifts for a retailer, they went from providing basically tall pants/jeans/maxi dresses while predominantly being a mainline retailer. We used to buy all of our work pants from Alloy!

In the years before the shift, we had discovered many other options for tall pants and maxi dresses so admittedly, they fell off our radar. When Alloy started popping up again touting their shift to Tall only – we were intrigued. Clearly they had it down when we used to buy their pants, but now they were adding a bunch of other tall basics we all could use in life!

We posted a month or two ago on Instagram stories talking about how we’d like to be able to do grades/report cards for retailers being tall friendly. With that in mind, we reached out to Alloy to see if they’d be interested in collaborating and they were happy to send us some of their pieces to try for ourselves! Talk about a great first retailer to grade, being that they only create clothing for tall women. 

The first two pieces we’re sharing today are their flare jeans and their black scoop bodysuit. Flare jeans are some of the most difficult/scary jeans to buy for me personally. The initial hesitation is always due to disbelieving the inseam length will be long enough. Secondly, is always if the cut of the flare will be flattering because I have athletic/muscular thighs. After browsing their site and seeing it was a 37’ inseam, I was sure they wouldn’t be long enough for me.

 I’m relieved to be able to recommend this pair to you! They are referred to as high rise, but I would say they’re more like a mid-rise cut, as they don’t reach my belly button (which is what I’d consider high rise). In regards to the cut, any time the line of the jean follows closely to your knee before starting the flare is the most flattering on my body type. Otherwise, it stays too wide and leaves me feeling like I have tree trunk legs. This dark rinse is ideal as well if you’ve felt the same as me with minimizing your thighs. Lastly, I love the distressed hem detail! Not all flares need to be dressy, and this makes me feel like I could rock them in many more situations, like a concert or a night out, while it’s still a small enough detail I wouldn’t hesitate to wear them to church or somewhere a bit more buttoned up.

Also, we have to talk about this bodysuit. Totally an unsung hero piece. We’ve sung our praises for bodysuits for a long time on the blog and our love hasn’t wavered. Anytime we put on a bodysuit we instantly feel polished and put together. Something about the seamless tuck into your pants that just streamlines the look. But this bodysuit, in particular, is a must-have. Not only is the cut of it never going out of style, but it is supremely soft and comfortable. Cut for tall women, no pulling in your crotch area. The straps are wide enough to never worry about your bra straps showing and the neckline is neither dowdy nor suggestive. It does it all! Lastly, we have to add that it’s under $20 today, such a steal!

In summation, these pieces are versatile additions to my wardrobe. We’re super excited to also share that using code realtall20 you get an additional 20% off your purchase. Click here to shop their site. Stay tuned for some additional amazing pieces in the coming weeks!

2 replies
  1. google.com, pub-3070229886461745, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
  2. Emmiol
    Emmiol says:

    WOW! Great your blog content is really awesome & the flared jeans you mentioned above are really incredible. These jeans look really stylish & awesome. There are many brands in the market that offer these types of jeans but their price is too high. But Emmiol, is the online vintage & retro clothing brand that offers the best products for a few years at an eye-catchy price. For more details, visit their online store now!


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