
Intentionality Through the Holidays

If you’re trying to find a keyword to get you through the holidays, might we suggest intentionality? Recently Caitlin shared a post on Facebook with a cry for help. Our Mom had let us know that our 90-year-old Grandma was quite depressed. She had tried repeatedly to put up her Christmas tree herself, to no avail. Being that she lives four hours away from us, it’s not a quick trip in which we could help her out. She’ll have some family visiting for Christmas, but in the meantime, she was cheerless without some twinkling lights to sit beside. 

Luckily, social media has its moments of magic. Within an hour of posting a plea for paid assistance, she received countless offers of support and all of them refusing payment. By the end of the very same day, we received the best picture of her standing beside her beautifully decorated tree, smiling proudly. Not only that, but the two women who came to help her out walked away feeling like they made a new friend, someone they can continue a relationship with. 

That blesses all involved tremendously. Our Grandma, who wants to continue to live in her home even as it’s more difficult for her to get around, now has other people who care about her well-being and friendship. I’ve been reading a devotional and it keys in on how much more generous and forgiving people typically are during the holidays. Then it goes on to question how much our lives could improve if we carried that mindset throughout the rest of the year. It requires intentionality, to be sure. Letting those little things slide off your back because you’re just glad to be able to be in community with friends and family. 

Those two women had to be intentional, saying yes to the request of help, and then sacrificing their time to actually follow through on it – to someone they didn’t even know! If we could all be a bit more open to helping a neighbor, we could do a lot of good. Tis’ the season for giving, and that doesn’t always mean monetarily. Help out with something a bit outside of your comfort zone. People will be sure to appreciate the extra effort. If they aren’t in the right mindset to express their appreciation, giving them grace in this sometimes difficult season can be the right thing as well. 

All of that to say, a little intentionality goes a long way towards relationships. Letting people know you care about them/love them is never wasted breathe. The holidays can be tough on people for various reasons. Especially as I get older, I just want to be together with the people I love and enjoy their company. So how does that all relate to clothing, you might be wondering? If you guessed that we appreciate companies who illustrate intentionality, you’d be spot on. We would be talking about none other than Amalli Talli (yes again!). 

A lot of people are dressing up and showing off gowns and sequins and everything fancy. While we love a good dress-up sesh just as much as another girl, it simply isn’t realistic to dress that way in our lives. We absolutely wear something nice when we attend church on Christmas Eve, but it’s a bit more covered up and less glamorous. As for the rest of our Christmas festivities; they just aren’t that fancy! So when we’re gathering with friends/family, it tied closely with comfort level. 

This outfit covers comfort and cute in one go. Caitlin is wearing her Amalli Talli dark smokey wash denim in the 35’ inseam and a size 31. If you haven’t tried their jeans yet, you must! They have a great stretch to them but don’t lose their shape. Plus, if there is such a thing as denim that’s too long for tall women, they’ve done it! This wash is so versatile and we’ve been wearing it with EVERYTHING. Plus we can’t forget their Hollis jean jacket. Ladies, you simply will not find a better quality, better fitting denim jacket. That’s why Amalli Talli epitomizes the word intentionality. They take our needs into consideration and then cover every little detail to make sure our clothing fit is incredible. She wore one of her favorite button-front waffle shirts from Urban Outfitters and her Adidas sneakers to finish off this perfect versatile look. 

Don’t forget you can use our code THEREALTALL15 for 15% off your purchase. If you or a loved one has been eyeing something up for a while, a tall woman would be overjoyed to receive as a gift. Let us know in the comments below, do you have a word or a mantra you’ve been focusing on this season?

Outfit Details

Link to Jean Jacket

Link to Blakely Jeans

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