
No Faux Pas with Tall Faux Fur

Yesterday’s post was all about finding coats/whatever your closet actually needs to live a functional life. If you missed and want to catch up, click here. Coincidentally, we’re back today talking about more coats, because Wisconsin. Winter has arrived early here and we’re glad to have our coat collections in order to brave the elements. Our temperatures dropped drastically the last couple of weeks and we’ve gotten snow more than a few times already. Coping with grey skies more than normal, we like to put some “fun” in functional. That’s how Caitlin ended up with this sumptuous faux fur leopard coat. 

Isn’t it just divine?! There is something so classy and expensive looking about faux fur. Plus we’ve both longed for a tall faux fur of our own, but never wanted to spend the money because it seemed like it was a frivolous purchase. There is something to be said about delaying purchases to see if you really still remember what it was you “had to have” at the moment. We both are add to cart girls and especially in Asos we’ve got our favorites saved on their handy saved items page. When it comes a time that we’re ready to purchase though, you can always tell which items you really had to have, because you didn’t even need to save them. If they stick in your memory, you know it’s a good purchase. 

That was definitely how Caitlin felt when she saw this faux fur on sale. The price was right and she had been yearning for it. So when it arrived, it was love. It fits our tall proportions like a dream. No cold wrists here. Plus it’s pet-worthy. You’ll find yourself getting a lot more hugs wearing this coat, it is so soft. Caitlin wore it to a play last week and sat there petting it the whole time. The coziest, while still being super chic. 

You’ve seen us rocking leopard print a lot, so clearly it fits her wardrobe. I’ve been thinking about colors/prints a lot lately. Normally I’d try to build my wardrobe with different colors to stretch it. In theory that’s a good idea. But in practicality, I just went through my clothing to donate/trash and I always end up getting rid of the colors I bought to have a “different” color. One of the colors that I need to let go of, are most blues. In looking through my drawers and closet, it’s a color I just don’t reach for and don’t keep. Which is ok, and helpful to realize! As you’re going through your closet, we challenge you to do the same. 

The better you realize where your buying habits aren’t aligning with your wearing habits, the better your closet will serve you. Especially, anyone who is interested in capsule wardrobes, this will do you a favor. It will be much easier to mix and match looks, plus it will definitely help you pack for trips! Since Caitlin loves to wear black and white, this leopard coat will go great with her most worn tops. She has been utilizing Pinterest a lot lately to help her expand her fashion horizons and find fun new inspo. We’re all about building a wardrobe that is foremost well-fitting, followed closely by often worn. You’ve heard it here often, but getting that cost-per-wear is more important than ever. We definitely do fast fashion shopping, but we loathe wearing items once or twice and discarding them. You better believe we’re going to wear items until they fall apart. 

Caitlin’s jacket sparks a lot of joy in her life, and I think it’s all the sweeter because we haven’t been easily able to find tall statement pieces. It’s worth waiting around for one to show up. You won’t be wasting your budget on something you’ll eventually have to toss after you admit it doesn’t fit you as well as you hoped. I’m only speaking from experience (here’s looking at you the perfect fitting jean jacket). 

She paired it with her other surprisingly smart purchase, which is these American Eagle Black skinny jeans. She is wearing size 12L for size reference. They were inexpensive, comfortable, and a true closet staple. You’ll be able to wear them out to any events you have for the upcoming holiday season. Plus they have a great stretch feel yet maintain their fitted shape. So if you wanted to be fashionable yet as comfortable as can be for your turkey dinner, you could do it comfortably with an oversized sweater. Especially because they have a true high rise that goes past your belly button. She tossed on her go-to pair of black booties and was out the door. If you are looking to add a little height and a little class these booties are for you! 

Are there any recent purchases you were surprised to find you wear much more than anticipated? What about vice versa? Did you buy something you were sure you’d wear a ton and then it’s sat collecting dust on your shelf? Let us know in the comments below!

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