
Leaf (Lake) Effect

The seasons’ change is upon us, and with that comes the glorious colors of Fall. Take any back road highways in Wisconsin and you’ll probably find Mother Nature showing off her astounding range of color. Nowhere is this better exhibited than up north by our lake. We’re seriously anticipating our trip up to Eagle River for Cranberry Fest. I’m sure the whole drive will be a wonderful display of God’s creation. 

A lot of times when the season starts to change you might not think of lake life as much. I know for us specifically, we’re typically visiting the lake the most in the summer. However, the rest of the seasons can’t be counted out. It’s a sad Autumn if we don’t make it up north at least once. We still like to bundle up and go out on the boat if it’s still in the water, or at the very least have a bonfire in the yard where we can look out across the lake. I still remember sitting on the dock last year basking in the warmth of the sun on a beautiful day. 

Basically, lake living is to be enjoyed year-round. Even in cold Wisconsin, we make the most of our seasons with different activities. You might not be able to bike as easily in the Fall, but you sure can enjoy a walk through the woods. As mentioned above, it’s bonfire season and getting wood chopped is also best done in cooler temperatures. Then you stay warm during the chopping, and you’re warmed by the fire later! 

Sometimes there is nothing wrong with just being in the vicinity of the lake. Those rainy Fall days are some of my favorite times to get cozy underneath a fluffy blanket and sit with a great book and soak in the tranquil atmosphere. There is nowhere better than the lake to rejuvenate your mind. Katherine (owner of Lake Effect) always talks about the healing properties of water, and I think that extends to being near it as well. You don’t even have to immerse yourself, just sit and gaze at the water and I always find myself at peace.

The best part is becoming at peace with the changing of the seasons. While we’re clearly reluctant to bid summer adieu, the lake certainly helps us welcome Fall with open arms. How can you deny the beauty of Fall? It’s such a transitional feeling season, and you can never quite tell when Fall has reached the apex and will devolve into Winter. Meaning you must enjoy it while it lasts! There’s something beautiful about the heat of the sun in Fall and the chill of the crisp air combined.

So get out there and enjoy the weather in whatever way you can! If it involves special seasonal drinks, or if you start to bake something special as the temperatures drop: we want to hear! How do you enjoy Fall?

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