
Yellow Floofer

You might be thinking- Yellow Floofer? Huh? Well, for some reason unbeknownst to us, that is what we have been calling this sweater for the past few months. At this point it has fully stuck. So here we are introducing all of you to the yellow floofer. And to be honest I couldn’t think of a better name if I tried.

A fun fact about our family is we are well known for our weird sayings and nicknames. Namely our dad. He is the untitled Nickname King who has given nearly anyone of value in his life at least one nickname. So, to no one’s surprise Jenilee, Nick and I have all adapted and adopted this trait throughout our entire lives. We continue to have weird nicknames, words, or just kitschy phrases that our friends tend to pick up on. So saying things like yellow floofer -it’s just kind of who we are and without question we all just run with it. Does your family do weird things like this or is it just us?

I also have to add in the journey of getting this sweater was tough. Not like real life tough obviously. More like first world problems. I had this particular sweater in my saved items for many weeks and then it sold out. And then it came back thankfully and happened to go on sale! Obviously at this point I ordered it and as with most Asos packages opened it with excitement… only to find a puma sweatshirt instead. AGGGGGH.

I know this is a first world problem and I should just get over myself but it happens more than we would like with Asos and it’s disappointing. So back went the Yellow Puma Sweatshirt. As I hopped back online to reorder it was sold out again. A few days later it came back and they refused to match the sale price even though it was their error, but as you can tell I just bit the bullet and ordered it again.

Any-who – the yummy brightness of this sweater immediately drew me to it online. When I received it, the feeling of soft fluffiness made me swoon. This is the fourth (?) sweater that I own of this style from Asos, and I just can’t seem to get enough. They make them in brights, blacks, pastels and more. Each one has felt just as soft and worn just as well.

And not only are they comfy, cozy, AND cute; the price point is always right! I don’t like paying an arm and a leg for a basic sweater, so this has come in clutch. Especially if you can wait until a sale and snag them for an even better price. Beyond the low price tag, how can you beat the sleeve length of this sweater? I mean look at them! They are flowing well beyond my wrists with ease.

Because of how wonderful the fit of this sweater is, I feel SO comfortable. I say that because this isn’t always the case. Especially when you are on your way out of over indulging your way through the holiday season. I’m sure some of you know what I mean! But after looking at the pictures from this day, I could just tell I felt like the best version of me. Sometimes we forget that clothes are supposed to be and can be comfortable. The more comfortable they are, the better you will feel.

So hopefully as we continue on with our intentionality this year, I can be a bit more intentional about the items I keep. Rather than periodically stretching for reasons to love it. If I can get my brain back to how I feel in this sweater, or other go-to pieces, it will help me stay mindful. I paired this sweater with some of my go-to Madewell Jeans, the Franco Sarto Booties we are always mentioning and some of my favorite Ray-Ban Sunnies!

So unfortunately for all of you this sweater is sold out. Which makes me sad because we really did intend to share this one earlier but…life. However, there are a few other color options available right now and I have no doubt this sweater will make another appearance on Asos. I am also going to do a bit of a roundup of other Asos sweaters we love below. As well as another roundup of sweaters from other stores. We are heading in the season where sweaters will likely start to go on sale, as swimwear and dresses peek back out!

Outfit Details/Sweater Roundup

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