

Surprise! We have a bonus mini post this week. The idea struck and we had to run with it. We will  start posting more frequently through the holiday season to help y’all out with some holiday guides and sale alerts-so stay tuned!

This post isn’t going to be as outfit based as most of ours typically are but if the shirt fits, wear it? We went and saw Bohemian Rhapsody on Tuesday and it was incredible. I went into the movie pretty blindly personally so each and every fact was new and interesting to me. After seeing the movie I read that some people were mad about them not accurately portraying Freddie Mercury’s life. It made no difference to me but out of curiosity it did spur me to do some research of my own after the movie.

Most of the things I read that people were displeased with didn’t bother me to find out the real truth-it’s a movie, sometimes you have to cut things out that aren’t necessary to truly expand on how they happened. For instance the fact that they shortened the timeline of some events-NBD to me! I am no movie mastermind but I will never understand how some movies receive bad ratings when they are this good. I mean I had goosebumps, I caught myself smiling at the screen, and overall just left pleased.

Those men certainly led a very interesting life. And made some AMAZING music while they were at it. If you have any interest in Queen’s music, I cannot recommend this movie enough. And while you’re at it see A Star Is Born also because that is equally as good. However, you will cry and then cry some more so bring some Kleenex. And then save the playlist on Spotify because it is incredible and I have been playing it on a loop.

Anyways-as you may not know we are a huge movie family. Jenilee is an maniac at the theater compared to me and sees them as often as possible. If y’all are interested we are happy to share mini reviews here and there just holla below if that interests you.

I ended up buying this shirt before we saw the movie and actually used it as part of my Halloween costume (Garth Algar-See below), but also bought it because I can’t say no to a good band Tee. They are so easy to wear with leather jackets/flannels, jeans, anything. They are something I am constantly grabbing for in my closet, you can see one of my other favorites here (and it is deeply discounted right now!). This day I tossed on one of my favorite denim jackets, some Gap jeans, and my slip on sneakers. Easy, comfortable and just so happens to promote this movie.

Do any of you have big weekend plans? If not, maybe you can add a movie into the mix! 😉

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