
Lulu-Long Enough

This first week after Labor Day seems ten times longer! That was true for Caitlin too, even though she was off on Monday coming back from her Smoky Mountains yurt trip. If you haven’t checked that post out yet, go give it a read! It’s a completely unique vacation experience that any nature lovers would enjoy.

This aligns well with us writing about one of our favorite retailers for activewear and athleisure, Lululemon. Some of you might be surprised to hear that, considering we’re all about budget friendly items, and Lululemon typically isn’t on that list. However, we also believe in spending a little bit more on items that you “wear hard,” meaning how much you sweat and move in the clothing and we are definitely a family who sweats, A LOT.

Lululemon is one of those companies that inspires some sort of strong opinion. Either you love it and wear it ALL the time as a die hard fan or you can’t understand why people like those expensive see through leggings. We fall firmly in the former category; however, I definitely think some leggings can still be see through. I also chalk that up to people wearing the wrong size!

I remember my mom first discovering Lululemon and her being SO excited that they had yoga pants that were long enough for us. I, being two inches taller, knew better and steered clear because they were definitely not long enough for me. I resigned myself to love them from afar, all while Caitlin was starting her own love affair with them and bringing home the cutest pieces.

That all changed for me, when I won a gift card from a blogger I’ve followed for a long time, Kat Tanita. Caitlin had long been telling me that she thought that some of the leggings would be long enough for me, and finally I had an excuse to check it out! With the incredibly generous gift card, we both got two full outfits all of which, Caitlin was right – fit like a dream.

From there I’ve added to my collection little by little. I have their Define Jacket, which has beautifully long sleeves and the body length is great as well. I’ve also grabbed some of their tall skorts, which have been great for golfing! What I love the most is the high waist on the leggings. It holds you in but doesn’t feel restrictive. Plus then no worrying about hiking your pants up all the time.

Caitlin, having started much sooner has integrated a larger variety into her life. She found that the ⅞ length leggings work well for her 5’11 frame. She also has a few tank tops, a define jacket, some other sweatshirts and tops, and has a few of their sports bras as well, which hold up really nicely, especially for larger chested women. On a non clothing related note she also bid on a yoga mat during a silent auction and loves it for yoga, as well as doing some body weight circuits on the deck up north, it is extremely durable!

Our Mom has taken her love for Lululemon and found pieces that suit her specifically for running. She has the On-Pace short which is 10’ in length and a great length to keep her comfortable while running long distances but not restricted. She’s also had great luck with their tank lengths, and we all really appreciate the variety they offer as well with lengths and cuts.

Our Dad couldn’t miss out on the fun this time, because our Mom has turned him into a full on Lululemon lover as well. He was very hesitant at first thinking it was a women’s only store, but the moment he put on the ABC pants he was sold. Some might not know that they have a great mens line as well. PLUS, the best part is, they have pants that fit our dad who is 6’4 and our brother and my husband who are both 6’8. It gets even better, because not only are their pants as comfortable as sweats, but they are cut in a professional enough way that they can be worn to work. HUGE win all around.

All in all, Lululemon is on the more expensive side, but also holds up really well. Plus they have impeccable customer service if you ever have an issue with your item of clothing. Some people definitely take advantage of this, but I’m sure there are people who do have actual issues. If you’re considering checking them out if you haven’t before and the price is a deterrent, you can always check out their “We Made Too Much” section, which is essentially their clearance area.

One other thing to note is how beneficial it might be to first visit in store. Their sizing is a bit off and we both ended up wearing a size or two smaller than we normally do. Their employees are always super helpful and can give you pointers on how the leggings are supposed to fit.

As always, we’re a pair of goofballs, so we’ll leave you with some fun photos, gotta keep it real! Tell us below, have you checked out Lululemon and like it? Maybe you’re sworn against it after trying it once, or you’ll never try it. Let us know in the comments below!

2 replies
  1. google.com, pub-3070229886461745, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
  2. astral
    astral says:

    How did you find their sports bras? I need about an inch longer in the strap, and couldn’t find anything in the retail store. Do they have tall versions online?


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